Ep 41 & 42: What Makes a Church Healthy?
Check out these two podcasts where Wes and I discuss what makes a church healthy. We build off of Wimber's ten values that should be found in every Vineyard church.
With a lot of discussion taking place regarding unhealthy churches and church leadership, Wes and I figured we’d take the time to lay out some thoughts related to what makes a church healthy. So check out these two conversations!
We discuss worship, Communion, the value of Scripture, discipleship, welcoming the Holy Spirit, and MUCH MORE.
Episode 41 (video or audio on Apple, Spotify, or Podbean)
Episode 42 (video or audio on Apple, Spotify, or Podbean).
Let us know your thoughts in the comments!
About the Author
Luke Geraty is a pastor-theologian in northern California. With a few theology degrees and nearly twenty years of pastoral leadership, Luke loves the Bible, theology, fly fishing, coffee, and books. All opinions are his own and not the views of any other organizations he’s affiliated with. You can follow him on Twitter, Instagram, and subscribe to his YouTube.