Sitemap - 2020 - The Sacramental Charismatic
Ep 11: Hip Hop, Art, Culture, & Mission w/ Elias Wallace
Ep 10: On Rick Joyner Mobilizing Civil War w/ Geoff Holsclaw & Rose Swetman
Ep 9: Taking Ricky Gervais' Atheism On w/ Geoff Holsclaw
Ep 8: Water Baptism & Clark Pinnock
Ep 7: The Best Books on the Subject of Healing
Ep 6: Characteristics of a Sacramental Charismatic w/ Geoff Holsclaw
Ep 5: On God Liking Us w/ Geoff Holsclaw
Ep 4: The Gospel in Liquid Form w/ Dr. Gisela H. Kreglinger
Ep 3: A (p)entecostal Value for Sacramentality w/ Dr. Chris E.W. Green
Ep 2: Hermeneutics, Sacramentality, & the New Perspective w/ Dr. Steve Burnhope